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19.12.2023 19:11
Immigration - - Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia Antworten

Baltic Legal offers useful advice and high quality legal support for obtaining temporal residence permit in Latvia and Lithuania through investments. It is possible to receive residence permit for up to 5 years in Latvia and for up to 1 year in Lithuania, that can be renewed at the end of this term. Obtaining residence permit in Shengen agreement Member State grants its owner an opportunity to travel visa-free within Shengen area under the same conditions as for citizen of mentioned Member State. Latvia and Lithuania are present Member States of Schengen agreement. Along with the main investor residence permit can be received by his or her spouse and juvenile children.

The process of obtaining residence permit is relatively complicated and requires knowledge of local legal and procedural matters. Our lawyers will provide necessary consultation in order to choose best way of investment, as well as take care of preparing all necessary documents and obtaining residence permit.

Latvian Immigration Law provides several ways for foreign investor to obtain a residence permit in Latvia.
The most usual options are:

Residence permit by investment in real estate, for example, purchase of apartment. Read more
Residence permit for company manager, for example, Manager Director, Chief Executive, Board Member, Proxy
Residence permit through investment in share capital in the status of shareholder, for example, company formation and registration or acceding to existing company with significant investment
Residence permit through investments in subordinated capital of credit institution
Other options (non-investment related):
Student visa: Latvian Immigration Law also provides residency for students. Residence permit for students.
EU Blue card: If you are highly qualified you can apply for Blue Card.

Lithuanian Immigration Law provides ability to apply for residence permit up to 1 year through investments in business. In order to obtain temporal residence permit in Lithuania, the investment must fulfil following conditions:

a company has at least EUR 28 000 share capital;
a company has genuine economical activities and pays minimum taxes;
the presence of investor is necessary for business activities of a company.

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